Freedom Fiction Journal An eclectic mix of all flavours of genre fiction

Disco Man by Michael James Tapscott

Disco Man by Michael James Tapscott There were other lonely singers with cultural capital to steal from, outsider artists, 20-somethings who walked the earth with Where Water Comes Together With Other Water in their...

The Place by Zachary Dein Reisch

The Place by Zachary Dein Reisch There are only so many patterns a human face can have. Was that guy in the booth on the right, eating the dripping sandwich, the same guy I...

Martian Helix by A. E. Engle

Martian Helix by A. E. Engle Hina never quite got used to the view from her lab on Sirius Station. Staring down at the red rock, she always expected to see blue oceans, and...

Firstborn by Paul Booth

Firstborn by Paul Booth Before the Splinter, all is silence. & & & For millions of years and the length of an atom’s spin the Firstborn swim the universe. The solar winds carry them...

Chucked by Knowcebo

Chucked by Knowcebo Chuck me! Chuck gripped the plunger’s handle, his mind going through a list of possible culprits: Not Roni because he hadn’t come out of his room for either lunch or dinner...

Dangerous Quarry by Alex Frost

Dangerous Quarry by Alex Frost They woke just before sunrise, like eager plants anxious for the morning. The boy watched his breath curling in front of him for a moment. The father was already...

Severance Package by James C. Clar

Severance Package by James C. Clar “Do you know who took that picture?” Liam O’Connor asked the pretty young girl as she handed him his coffee. He pointed over her shoulder to a framed...

Collateral Damage by Bill Tope

Collateral Damage by Bill Tope Challo stood back from the bus, along with a handful of other riders, to allow those departing to step onto the curb and be on their way. As they...

Kandy by Bill Tope

Kandy by Bill Tope 1I pulled my car to a stop alongside a small brick home just two blocks from my high school, where I’d graduated some 40 years before. The sign said they...