Submissions now open for FFJ
- Novella and Novel length Fiction works of genre fiction (all genres) or pulp fiction only
- Word Count is to be minimum 30,000 to maximum 90,000 words
- Payment is 8 cents per 100 words in year 2013. Please note this will change every year in progressive manner
- Send detailed synopsis and “about the author” brief only. No need to send us the entire manuscript
- Send MS Word or Open Office .doc file. No other option exists. Definitely not docX or TXT files. Email the Editor at editor @
- For Art submissions a working web link will be sufficient. We would contact you if we have a specific artwork required for a story
- If we choose to publish your work, we will require you to send us acceptance of our publishing contract which states that “you are the owner/creator of the work, willing to allow its publication in Freedom Fiction and all legal liabilities arising out of any copyright infringement due to plagiarism committed by you will be your sole responsibility”
Final Advice:
A Writer writes and that’s what you need to do to keep your creative motors running. The writer’s primary endowment is his good name, so don’t plagiarise and capitalise on goodwill.
So send in your creative works to the editor and we will get back to you within 90 days timeframe. On publishing – please understand that we have a good amount of fiction in the pipeline so acceptance of fiction/ art does not mean immediate publication. It will happen soon enough and will definitely email you to inform you of the same.
Best Wishes and Welcome Back,
Ujjwal Dey