Book Review: One False Step by Mark SaFranko

Rousing emotions and flailing humans
Setting the atmosphere for yet another exploaration of human nature, the latest novel from SaFranko has you interested in protagonist Clay at once. You never know what you got until you lost it and regret won’t repair relationships. Can you imagine being trapped in a marriage and stuck to a chair at the same time.
There is lot to be revealed in the appearances of the characters in the novel as is our inclination to keep up appearances to conform to social standards. When we miss something within, we search for it in others.
I can’t help but have recurring thoughts of the premise as the narrative is so relatable and not something fantastic-larger-than-life or exotic bull-dung.
Maybe there is an analogy in there somewhere regarding tip-toeing on roofs and falling in the eyes of our peers? Not to give too much away, you can associate many of your own base desires and frailties with the characters in ‘One False Step’—as if to say, tread lightly for life is a bitch!
When a Doc assures you that friggin’ scientists are working on a cure for you, you can be sure your fate is already sealed and the messenger is trying not be a dick about it. As if putting a pause to your normal ordinary life routine isn’t enough, Clay is assigned a counselor to shag his head from which he can’t ‘walk away’. Anyways, our man Clay is not made of wood, and he does get some action. All the elements of a dissection of ‘man’ from the works of SaFranko can be identified and enjoyed. Not a single wasted word and never a false step in the plotting.
If you have read novels by Mark SaFranko in the past, this one will excite you and if you have never read a novel from him before, then you will start a collection of ‘em. Grab a chair and ‘step’ up to the hope of normal.
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