About FFJ

FreedomFiction.com : An eclectic mix of all flavours of genre fiction
About UsEstablished on August 2008, Freedom Fiction is primarily for fans of Speculative Fiction. This consists of genres such as science fiction, fantasy fiction, horror fiction, supernatural fiction, superhero fiction, alternate history, and all their sub-genres. Additionally we are into detective fiction, crime, gangster, hardboiled, noir fiction and very much into pulp fiction.

Get Freedom to express your conceptualization of Fiction. No rigid traditions nor any prejudice on style and convention. Feel Free to realize your Fiction ideas.

This is a wide enough net to cast for all you amateur writers. Yes, we aim to publish previously unpublished writers, freelance writers and would be honoured to have published or established writers. If your fiction is unconformist and maybe even not fitting the mentioned genres, do query us and we will see if we can find your story a home at Freedom Fiction. We also publish unheard of genres such as Biker Fiction (made famous in the 70’s by Easyriders magazine). We don’t accept fan-fiction as of now due to ambiguities in its legalities.

We primarily focus on publishing fiction short story.

We are currently not a paying publisher for short-fiction. All content published here will allow the author to retain all copyright and we only hold the web publishing rights and web archive rights to your story. All issues of Freedom Fiction are free for readers and we intend to keep it free in the spirit of saving “the short-story” itself. Authors published in Freedom Fiction will be featured with an “About the Author” section on our website. FFJ is open and free to all aficionados of all genres.

Like Hemingway said – “Eschew the monumental. Shun the Epic. All the guys who can paint great big pictures can paint great small ones.”

We nominate fiction short stories published with us for the Pushcart Prize every year. The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, published every year since 1976, is the most honored literary project in America. Writers who were first noticed through Pushcart include: Raymond Carver, Tim O’Brien, Jayne Anne Phillips, Charles Baxter, Andre Dubus, Susan Minot, Mona Simpson, John Irving, Rick Moody, and many more. Each year most of the writers and many of the presses are new to the series. Refer: www.pushcartprize.com

You can also join us at our Facebook Page for regular updates of FFJ. The Editors of “FreedomFiction.com” can be reached via email to info@freedomfiction.com

FFJ : Pulp To Grind Your Senses !!!

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