Editor’s Choice

Soft Boy by T.J. Staneart

Soft Boy by T.J. Staneart           “They used to make bomb parts here,” Detective Shultz said with his back to the dead body. “You know, the little fins on the back, the rudders? Made...

Trotsky’s Train by R. K. Olson

EDITOR’S NOTE: You can read three other Adventure stories by R.K. Olson on FreedomFiction.com , This story features the character Jackie Boyd and his continued adventures through war and valor. This is the third...

The Promise by Gary Earl Ross

The Promise by Gary Earl Ross           However experienced in matters of the flesh, no man forgets his wedding night.  For some, that first intimacy after the exchange of vows is the final passage...

It Eats Itself by Russ Bickerstaff

It Eats Itself by Russ Bickerstaff The food eats itself. When no one’s working. When no one‘s paying attention to it. The food is kind of self-conscious about everything. So it starts eating itself....

Prey by Bill Tope

Prey by Bill Tope 1 “I had a strange dream last night, Luke,” said Rob, the owner of the restaurant where Luke worked. Luke looked up from the flat griddle where he was preparing...