
Mark SaFranko

Book Review: No Strings by Mark SaFranko

How many of you really read pulp-fiction? And how many of you bemoan the genre of pulp-fiction. By definition it is allegedly cheap writing on cheap pulp paper. Yet, somehow, genius emerges even in...

Pushcart Prize Nominees from FFJ: year 2012

Pushcart Prize Nominees from FFJ: year 2012

Hello friends, It gives me great pleasure to list the 6 nominees from FFJ for the Pushcart Prize for the year 2012. Each independent press or publisher is allowed to nominate 6 published works...

FFJ PodCast Audio Books

FFJ PodCast Audio Books

FFJ presents podcasts – tiny audiobooks that are not books but short stories. So now, you can enjoy on the go. As a bonus you get a free Indian accent which will add...

Beatnik Generation is back via

Art is whatever an Artist creates. In the “good old days” there was a youth movement which overcame rigid traditions and strict criticisms to establish independence, individuality, acceptance and natural beauty in the seemingly...

FFJ Anthology Vol 03

FFJ Anthology Vol 03 (click me) January 2012 The very best of 2011 now in a 196 page A4 size book. Cover Image by award winning photographer Eleanor Bennett. The Twisted Tales – An...

Interview with author: Mark SaFranko

Interview with author: Mark SaFrankoThe true story of a fiction writer Interviewer: Ujjwal DeyAuthor being interviewed: Mark SaFranko Date: 09-Sept-2009Issue 01, Vol 02 Freedom Fiction Mark SaFranko is an author of novels and short...

Interview with digital artist: Uwe Jarling

A Detailed Interview : Exploring Extraordinary Artistic Work on Digital Medium by German artist Uwe Jarling Interviewer: Ujjwal DeyArtist being interviewed: Uwe Jarling Date: 05-March-2009Issue 03, Vol 01 Freedom Fiction Uwe Jarling is a...