
Submission Guidelines submissions : An eclectic mix of all flavours of genre fiction

Please send your submissions as MS Word file attachment (.doc or .docx).

Fiction Short Story Submissions are now open throughout the year. Email with your fiction short stories in 1,000 to 12,000 words along with the below specifics:

  • Story Title:
  • Genre:
  • Word count:
  • Author name:

We reply to all submissions so if you have not received a response within 30 days of submission, its probably in your “spam” folder or “junk” folder.
* For example, especially emails sent to certain services such as “” mailboxes do not seem to receive emails sent by us. There can be any reason for such mail delivery failure–maybe you have set your email settings / preferences such that its not actually the fault of your email service provider that our emails are bouncing away from your inbox.
* For example, send us an email from an alternate email address mentioning you have not received any communication from us regarding your fiction—Why? Because if your email server is rejecting our emails, you will never receive our emails unless you send a query from a different email address or reach out us on our Facebook Page or Instagram.

We no longer accept certain reprints. If your story has been published elsewhere and if that publication is still active, then please do not send us such fiction for our consideration. If the previous publisher is defunct and you hold the rights to your story, then you may submit such previously published works.

Fiction Short Stories of All Genres such as Literary, Pulp fiction, SciFi, Fantasy, Horror, Detective, Crime, Romance, Adventure, Western, Young Adult, Humour, Satire, etc. are welcome.

Flash Fiction Submissions are open throughout the year. Email with your flash fiction in 500 words or less. This is not a paying market.

For Art Submissions a working web link will be sufficient instead of attachments. We will contact you if we need a specific artwork for a story.

Submissions for Novel and Novella length works are now by invitation only.

General Advice:
A Writer writes and that’s what you need to do to keep your creative motors running. The writer’s primary endowment is his good name, so don’t plagiarise and capitalise on goodwill.

So send in your creative works to the editor and we will get back to you within 20 days. On publishing – please understand that acceptance of fiction or art does not mean immediate publication. It usually gets published within 30 days of acceptance and we will definitely email you to inform you of the same.

We nominate Short Stories for the Pushcart Prize every year.

This is not a paying market. Our Editors ensure that every short story submission will receive a feedback as response irrespective of acceptance or rejection by us. This is to ensure our original goal of being a “community resource” and to provide a platform to voice the talents of many who need only to be shown a direction and they walk into success by themselves.

For Patreon Subscribers, there will be some insight available without getting into details or anything that will be hurtful to the sentiments of anyone.

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Copyright and Publishing Rights Declaration:

All copyrights always remain with the respective author when their work is published by us. We are only a Publisher. We retain publishing rights and web-archive rights.

This means you have the right to re-publish your story in any other publication, in any media, digital and print – while we continue as a previous publisher of your story which will also be archived on our website. At the end of every story on our website you will notice that the copyright is always ascribed to the respective author.

Thank you for your kind support & love over the many years,

FFJ – Pulp To Grind Your Senses !