
Trotsky’s Train by R. K. Olson

EDITOR’S NOTE: You can read three other Adventure stories by R.K. Olson on , This story features the character Jackie Boyd and his continued adventures through war and valor. This is the third...

A Thread Of Sky by Aidan Alberts

A Thread Of Sky by Aidan Alberts LEWIS Missouri River, The Thundering Falls Friday June 14 1805. A thread of sky breaks through the trees. Meriwether Lewis, Captain of the Corps of Discovery Expedition,...

Freedom Trail by James A. Tweedie

Freedom Trail by James A. Tweedie Historical Note: For three years, from 1858-1861, the Butterfield Trail served as the southern route for stage and mail service to California. The route ran southwest from St....

Severance Package by James C. Clar

Severance Package by James C. Clar “Do you know who took that picture?” Liam O’Connor asked the pretty young girl as she handed him his coffee. He pointed over her shoulder to a framed...

Hocus Pocus by Michael Smith

Hocus Pocus by Michael Smith           The lights dimmed. The audience hushed. Word had spread that this might be interesting. A lone figure strode confidently and purposefully to center stage, a single spotlight guiding...

The Tsarina’s Jewels by R. K. Olson

Editor’s Note: Read the previous adventure of pilot Boyd by clicking the link: “The Vladivostok Express by R. K. Olson” * * * The Tsarina’s Jewels by R. K. Olson Time: 0410 Over the...

The Coffin Maker by Kristoph Kosicki

The Coffin Maker by Kristoph Kosicki  Nobody saw the coffin maker ride into town and sure as hell nobody saw him set up shop. Despite the abnormality of his appearance, nobody believed him when...

Third Wheel by Olivia Hudak

Third Wheel by Olivia Hudak On this kind of night, at this time of sundown, the streets of the old frontier town were empty. But inside the bar, whiskey was poured, the piano played...