
A-hab by Edd B. Jennings

A-hab by Edd B. Jennings The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails whereon my soul is grooved to run.—Moby Dick (chapter 37) Damn, she was hot, which was why I...

“A Garland of Blue Lotus” by Shefali Shah Choksi

“A Garland of Blue Lotus” by Shefali Shah Choksi The brass vessel clanged on the stone floor, and a sudden alarm rippled through the palace. The princess’s temper was legend all through Kashi. Every...

The Bid by K. McGee

The Bid by K. McGee “Wakey wakey! Get that perky little ass out of bed, Karla. We got us a situation here!” Karla curled into a ball, hands clamped over ears, and for one...