
Peeled Paint by Lindsay Thorimbert

Peeled Paint by Lindsay Thorimbert Jake dropped his tool belt and ran through the improvised parking lot between two construction sites. The sun-cooked earth clung to his boots, billowing motes into the heat-distorted air....

Neurosis by Titoxz

Neurosis by Titoxz He had never found solace in this world, for he knew with a gnawing certainty deep within that he was not fashioned for it. The universe, he believed, was engaged in...

Saturday Knight Fever by Bud Pharo

Saturday Knight Fever by Bud Pharo Robert, who played the dashing Sir Lovestruck at the local Renaissance Faire, was mired in a pessimistic funk ever since the young woman who played the enchantress Morgan...

Parking Lot on the Edge of Freedom by Jon Wesick

Parking Lot on the Edge of Freedom by Jon Wesick “To ease traffic in the capital, government employees will work staggered shifts starting immediately,” President Santos said over the radio. “Employees of the Ministry...

King Arnold by Doug Hawley

King Arnold by Doug Hawley Our local Harbortown newspaper ran a strange item last week “I have two bowls stuck together. I’ve tried to pry them apart for a week. Next Tuesday at noon,...

Insanity at the Bus Stop by Mark Tulin

Insanity at the Bus Stop by Mark Tulin Angela held the clipboard with the attendance sheet. She helped me supervise the patients when we went off the unit on field trips. Every Tuesday morning,...

What Holds the Future? by Bill Tope

What Holds the Future? by Bill Tope iSweeney sat in the examination room, clad in a hospital smock that was open in the back, and staring bleakly at the pale green walls and the...

More Than Me by Bill Tope

More Than Me by Bill Tope 1Henry glanced down at himself, saw the threadbare white t-shirt with the food stains and where he’d brushed his teeth that morning and dribbled toothpaste onto the fabric....

Two Brothers by Bill Tope

Two Brothers by Bill Tope 1984It was well past midnight when Dad padded from his bedroom out to the living room of the small frame house in Southern Illinois. He had been awakened by...

Over the Counter by Paul Kimm

Over the Counter by Paul Kimm Paul went to live in Russia on the fifth day of January in 1998. He was thirty years old. The Russian Federation was six years old, or to...