
Surkow’s Fantasy by Mark SaFranko

Surkow’s Fantasy by Mark SaFranko      Tuesday. Pete Surkow checked himself in the bathroom mirror like he did every day. He tilted his head a little this way, then a little that way. Not...

Whistle Stop by James D. Fratto

Whistle Stop by James D. Fratto We met three years ago in The Hague. I was on faculty leave, conducting research at the Gemeentemuseum, on Dutch women artists. Jeffrey Landers was a reporter from...

A Woman Named Dixie by Leroy B. Vaughn

A Woman Named Dixie by Leroy B. Vaughn The waitress stopped wiping the counter, as she watched the old pickup truck that had just pulled up to the front of the diner in Sunizona,...

Embracing the Night by Andrew Hughes

Embracing the Night by Andrew Hughes Bill Schultz stepped out of the drizzling rain into the bar, Euphoria. It was a busy night. There were half a dozen people sitting at the bar and...

And the Music Fades by Hunter Spurlock

And the Music Fades by Hunter Spurlock The high-pitched beeping was beginning to make Carl’s head throb. When the alert first began, he had flipped the channel thinking that what he was seeing must...

The Kind of Lover I Am by Giuliana Barletta

The Kind of Lover I Am by Giuliana Barletta As a young girl, I always enjoyed watching movies about princesses being saved by their princes. I remember wanting nothing more than to be swept...

Short Stuff by Frederick K. Foote, Jr.

Short Stuff by Frederick K. Foote, Jr. Nobody in San Juan, California, would have ever predicted how Tuesday Gipson would turn out. She proved the adage, don’t judge a book by its cover.  Tuesday...

A Promise to Leila by Gregory E. Lucas

A Promise to Leila by Gregory E. Lucas On her deathbed, Leila Adams raised her withered hand and stopped a tear streaking her husband’s furrowed cheek.  “Promise to remember me without sadness,” she said. ...

Ethan Rainwater is Dead by Gary Ives

Ethan Rainwater is Dead by Gary Ives Los Angeles Daily News, 14 March 1925 Obituary Ethan Rainwater 80 yrs. old, a prominent resident of this city and eminent horseman died Sunday evening at his...