Kara’s Journey by Mike A. Rhodes
Kara’s Journey by Mike A. Rhodes ‘Hey where are we going?’ The pilot didn’t turn around. Instead the shuttle veered suddenly upwards offering a view of grey clouds through the windscreen. ‘Hey,’ Kara demanded...
Kara’s Journey by Mike A. Rhodes ‘Hey where are we going?’ The pilot didn’t turn around. Instead the shuttle veered suddenly upwards offering a view of grey clouds through the windscreen. ‘Hey,’ Kara demanded...
The Man on the Pier by Otis Johnson and A. Sidrabene 1 DJ Tetsuo paced around the green room. Khaos Kore was playing harsh industrial. Kore’s tracks sounded muddy, like low-quality MP3’s. The song...
Liminal Lives by Daniel Roush 3 p.m. Wednesday Marty needed three things to make it through the day. First, a strong alarm, the kind that would shake the whole apartment down if left on...
The Rinse by Nicholas Woods The First Day Of The End Of The World I often wondered, why me?Why do we exist when we do?Our time on this one Earth, chosen at random.Why me?Why...
Dayward Winds By Charlotte H. Lee Amka lifted her snout, scenting the chill dayward wind that forever hurtled toward the cerise and orange of a sun hiding just below the horizon, locked in its...
Planet B5-2 by Paul Cesarini 1 Taarg drummed his claws against the cockpit seat. He was nervous, fidgety, and pissed off. Well, maybe ‘pissed off’ was too strong a phrase. For someone like him,...
Belief Blockade by Garrett Carroll Calm. All Vanders felt was calm. He had long since conceded himself to his inevitable fate. He was, by all accounts, on the verge of death. Physical death,...
Brain Raid by David Margolin Chapter 1: Loud Enough to Wake the Nearly Dead The brain-raid alarm started softly and dimly, but quickly crescendoed into a sensory bombardment that was ear-splittingly loud, and blindingly...
Dopamine by H. Talichi To most people, this room of mirrors and screens would be perfect. But I, who was until recently very much a member of that caste, find it newly repulsive. I...
Taken by Margaret Karmazin It’s hard to figure out how old I am. There were the sixteen Earth years of my childhood, then the shorter length years on Valahar, followed by even shorter ones...